For convenience sake...and to preserve our anonymity, in this blog I will refer to my wonderful Wife as in my Queen...and where needed, i will refer to myself as in Her i am sworn to serve Her every need and command. And it is by Her strict guidance that i am able to attempt to please my Queen! i hope i am not repeating someone else's moniker for each other...since no idea is 100% original...if i have please be assured it was by accident...

Saturday, March 19, 2011

A Post i Was Reading From The Blog - Subservient Husband (to a loving wife)

i have just read the most recent posting on the blog spot - Subservient Husband (to a loving wife) - This particular posting articulates so well the feelings i (and most male subs i imagine) get when serving my Wife when She harshly chastises me...or when She's feeling particularly be made to know that She really is my superior...this is actually a gift i should be thankful for!...Please follow the link to Subservient Husband's post - What Happens When The Wife Says, "NO" - i hope this speaks to you as it did to me!


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